
Call For Paper Volume:6 Issue:2 Nov'2024

Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (eISSN: 2671-5449)


Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (J. Multidiscip. Sci.) refer on Agricultural Science, Biological Science, Chemical Science, Engineering and Technology, Food Science, Life Science, and Physical Science

Review process: Authors can submit the manuscript through the online system or email. The editor will make the first decision about the suitability of the submitted manuscript within six days. If it passes the initial screening, the editor will send an expert reviewer in the field for peer review (single-blind) to ensure research quality and suitability for publication within 30 days. After confirming the reviewer's comments, the editor will decide about reject, major revision, minor revision, or accept the present form. In major or minor revision, the author will ask to fulfill the requirement within 14 days. After revision, the manuscript will accept and publish online within ten days. The whole publication process will finish within 60 days (2 months).

Manuscript Publication Charge: The authors should pay an article processing fee and an article publication fee. The fee depends on the economic region; for instance, developed countries pay USD 70, developing countries pay USD 50, and underdeveloped countries pay USD 30. We expect a scientifically rigorous, novel, and fully furnished manuscript.

Copyright & Licensing: Authors hold the copyright without restriction. The manuscript will be published under a creative commons license (CC BY 4.0). The authors and the publisher are abiding by the copyright and license.

Open access: Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences follow the Directory of Open Access Journals (https://doaj.org/), Sherpa Romeo Open Access Policies (https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/about.html), Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (https://oaspa.org/), and World Association of Medical Editors (https://www.wame.org/) principles of transparency and best practice to improve the journal quality and ranking.

Biological Science

Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology


Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Bioengineering

Information Technology

Computer, E-commerce, Network, and Software

Physical Sciences

Astronomy & Astrophysics, Earth Science, and Nanotechnology

The authors should ensure the following items are present in the manuscript: a) Author(s) full name, b) Affiliation address, c) Email address, d) Keywords, e) Figures including relevant captions, f) Tables including title, description, and footnotes, g) Ensure figures and tables citation in the text match the manuscript, h) Ensure appropriate color for graph, figure, and pictures, i) ORCID ID, and j) Conflict of interest

Additional information should check by the authors: a) Spell and grammar check, b) Mentioned references are available in the text and reference list, c) Permission should obtain for copyright materials, and d) At least three referee details (title, name, affiliation, email address) should provide

Review Policy

A peer-review system engaging two to three reviewers is used to ensure the high-quality manuscripts are accepted for publication. The editors have the right to decline the manuscript if it lacks technical merits and is poorly written.

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