Author Guidelines

Call For Paper Volume:6 Issue:2 Nov'2024

Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (eISSN: 2671-5449)


Manuscript preparation and submission word file

Manuscript Format: Manuscript should write in English with double-spaced, 10 points Arial Narrow, A4 size, MS Word with the line, and the page number. Line must be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. Please use the template to submit the manuscript.

Article Structure: Divide the article into clearly defined and numbered sections and subsections by using numbers.

Title of manuscript (left alignment, 16 point Arial Narrow, bold) Concise and informative. Avoid using brackets, formulas, abbreviations.

Authors Name (left alignment, 10 point Arial Narrow, bold)

Authors’ affiliation (left alignment, 9 point Arial Narrow)

Corresponding author email:

Abstract (200 words, left alignment, 10 point Arial Narrow)

Keywords: (4-5, separate with a comma)

1. Introduction

(Introduction word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, the first paragraph will start from left alignment with 0.3" space. At least 3-4 paragraphs are necessary.

References should be written in order, for instance, (Kays,1991; for one author), (Holcroft and Kader, 1999; for two authors) and (Sidkey et al., 2019; for three and more authors); According to Ahmed et al. (2010); By authors last name Alphabetic order); two or more papers of the same author and same year should mention as the year with a, b, c, —, etc. (2020a, 2020b, 2020c, —-, etc.)

2. Materials and Methods

(Materials and Methods words will be12 points Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, the first paragraph will start from left alignment with 0.3" space. Subparagraph will be started by numbering like 2.1., 2.2., —–)

References should be written in Alphabetic ordering, for instance, (Kays,1991; for one author), (Holcroft and Kader, 1999; for two authors) and (Sidkey et al., 2019; for three and more authors); According to Ahmed et al. (2010); By authors last name Alphabetic order); two or more papers of the same author and same year should mention as the year with a, b, c, —, etc. (2020a, 2020b, 2020c, —-, etc.)

3. Results and Discussion

(Results and Discussion words will be12 points Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, the first paragraph will start from left alignment with 0.3" space. Subparagraph will be started by numbering like 3.1., 3.2., —–. Tables and Figures should be set up in the body under the text)

References should be written in order, for instance, (Kays,1991; for one author), (Holcroft and Kader, 1999; for two authors) and (Sidkey et al., 2019; for three and more authors); According to Ahmed et al. (2010); By authors last name Alphabetic order); two or more papers of the same author and same year should mention as the year with a, b, c, —, etc. (2020a, 2020b, 2020c, —-, etc.)

4. Conclusion (Conclusion word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one paragraph)

Author contribution (Author contribution word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one paragraph) (Conceptualization, methodology, validation, formal analysis, data analysis, data curation, visualization, software, investigation, supervision, project administration, fund acquisition, resources, writing-original draft preparation, writing-review, and editing)

Funding (Funding word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one paragraph) (This research was part of a project titled “——–" funded by the ———–.)

Acknowledgment (Acknowledgement word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one paragraph) (The authors may use source of funding details in this section)

Consent to publication (Consent to publication word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one paragraph)

Conflict of interest (Conflict of interest word will be12 points Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, one line) (There are no conflicts of interest. The authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.)

ORCID ID (ORCID ID word will be12 point Arial Narrow, bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow, each ID in a separate line) (

Biological Science

Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology


Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Bioengineering

Food Science

Foods, Nutrition, Microbiology, Quality, and Sensory

Life Science

Microorganisms, Plants, Animals, and Human Beings

American Psychological Association (APA) style. References (References word will be12 points Arial Narrow; bold and text will be 10 points Arial Narrow. References should be in Alphabetic order. For example:

Kays, S.J. (1991). Postharvest Physiology of Perishable Plant Products. Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York. (For one author and book)

Holcroft, D.M. & Kader, A.A. (1999). Carbon dioxide-induced changes in color and anthocyanin synthesis of stored strawberry fruit. HortScience, 34, 1244-1248. (For two authors)

Sidkey, N.M., Hassan, A.S. & Hassan, S.H.A. (2019). Effect of heavy metals on the resistant strain of Pseudomonas luteola isolated from polluted sites in El-Kharga city at New Valley Governorate, Egypt. Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 1(2), 1-7. (For three authors)

 Statista (2018). Accessed on: 30-07-2018. (For web reference)

Accepted file format

The authors are requested to use the template before submission in word format. 

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