Manuscript at a glance

Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences
International online, open access, peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary journal.
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Manuscript Scope: Multidisciplinary Sciences
Manuscript Types: Original research article, Review article, and Short notes or Short communications
Manuscript Components: Abstract (200 words), Keywords (4-5 words), Introduction (3-4 paragraphs), Material and Methods, Results and discussions, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of interest, ORCID ID, and References. Tables and figures should include in the text.
Publication Interval: January-June & July-December. One volume, two issues, and continuous publication process.
English and Similarity Check: Manuscript will go through plagiarism (https://www.turnitin.com/) and English check.

Dr. Sedky Hassan
Agricultural Science
Crop Science, Animal, Fishery, and Farm Mechanics
Biological Science
Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology
Chemical Science
Green, Medicinal Chemistry, and Chemical Nanoscience
Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, and Bioengineering
Food Science
Foods, Nutrition, Microbiology, Quality, and Sensory
Information Technology
Computer, E-commerce, Network, and Software
Life Science
Microorganisms, Plants, Animals, and Human Beings
Physical Sciences
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Earth Science, and Nanotechnology